Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jack is almost 3 months old

It's so hard to believe that our tiny little newborn is nearly 3 months old. Jack has changed so much already. He's been a lot of hard work, while at the same time a great joy. James and I know that we've been blessed to have such a sweet and healthy baby.

At his 2 month appointment, Jack weighed 12 pounds and was 23 inches long. He's a good eater and, fortunately, has adapted to day care. Ruby and Vi are taking really good care of him and have introduced Jack to Leo, who is one month older. Jack and Leo get to hang out in the swings, bouncy chairs and on the play mat at day care. By the way, Leo has the most awesome head of dark hair - enough to make even John Edwards envious.

This week has been a turning point - Jack has slept through the night 3 out of the last 5 nights! I didn't know how sleep deprived I was until I got a few nights of good sleep.

Sleeping through the night is big. But, I think James and I have most enjoyed Jack's little sweet smile. He may fight sleep and be fussy in the evenings, but he wakes up with a smile on his face. It's very rewarding to see our little man smile at us and react to our singing and teasing.

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