Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The doctor says Jack looks good!

We saw the doctor for a second ultrasound in his office this week. The ultrasound technician examined Jack rather thoroughly. (She confirmed that Jack is a baby boy.) After reviewing the ultrasound, Dr. Lebder said that Jack is developing nicely. He has a heart with four chambers, a developing brain, stomach, kidneys, etc. Dr. Lebder says that he thinks Jack looks good. We're very pleased and getting excited.

The problem with having an ultrasound is that momma-to-be becomes compelled to buy little baby boy clothes - shoes, sleepers, tiny cardigans and plaid pants. Good thing no more ultrasounds are planned!


mamo said...

Lyn and James,
You've already started to know what a wonderful and priceless feeling it is to hear that your baby is healthy. You just won the lottery!
Take care,
Mamo Christy

The Powers Bunch said...

I can't wait to buy him some Duke gear!!!!!

The Powers Bunch said...

the above comment is from uncle joe by the way...ha!