Jack Thomas Powers was born Monday, May 18, 2009 at 2:19 p.m. Momma's labor began at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday the 16th. We made two trips to the hospital on Saturday and were sent home both times. Although contractions were regular and only 5 minutes apart, we were not dilated enough to stay. Labor continued through Sunday. At 7:30 Sunday evening we returned to the hospital and this time we got to stay! By 8:00 we were admitted and Momma got some much needed pain mediation and rest. Sunday night was a long night for the Powers and Douglas families. Finally, Jack decided to make his entrance into the world.
We came home Wednesday about lunch time and have been doing really well. Jack hasn't grasped the concept of day and night yet, but we feel confident that he soon will. He's eating well and has gotten good reports from his pediatricians. We are truly blessed and appreciate the prayers, love and support we've received from our family and friends.
Now that Jack is here, our blogging lives will be much more exciting! We'll be better about adding pictures and stories of the amazing little Jack!!